General information about the route
Departure time from the initial station Ruse - 10:00
Arriving time at the last station Bisertsi - 11:29
Number of sector - 3
Telephone number of the cash desk -
Travel Days - Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; Saturday;
Suitable for people with disabilities - NO
Full schedule of the route
Departure time: 10:00
r. Marten
Arriving time - 10:17
Stopover in minutes - 1
Departure time - 10:18
Price of the ticket - 2,50 lv
*The price shown is from/to Ruse
r. Sandrovo
Arriving time - 10:21
Stopover in minutes - 1
Departure time - 10:22
Price of the ticket - 2,50 lv
*The price shown is from/to Ruse
Slivo Pole
Arriving time - 10:31
Stopover in minutes - 1
Departure time - 10:32
Price of the ticket - 2,50 lv
*The price shown is from/to Ruse
r. Babovo
Arriving time - 10:43
Stopover in minutes - 1
Departure time - 10:44
Price of the ticket - 4,00 lv
*The price shown is from/to Ruse
Golyamo Vranovo
Arriving time - 10:48
Stopover in minutes - 1
Departure time - 10:49
Price of the ticket - 4,50 lv
*The price shown is from/to Ruse
Malko Vranovo
Arriving time - 10:54
Stopover in minutes - 1
Departure time - 10:55
Price of the ticket - 4,50 lv
*The price shown is from/to Ruse
Arriving time - 11:02
Stopover in minutes - 1
Departure time - 11:03
Price of the ticket - 5,50 lv
*The price shown is from/to Ruse
Arriving time - 11:10
Stopover in minutes - 1
Departure time - 11:11
Price of the ticket - 6,00 lv
*The price shown is from/to Ruse
r. Zvanartsi
Arriving time - 11:16
Stopover in minutes - 1
Departure time - 11:17
Price of the ticket - 6,00 lv
*The price shown is from/to Ruse
Arriving time - 11:18
Stopover in minutes - 1
Departure time - 11:19
Price of the ticket - 6,00 lv
*The price shown is from/to Ruse
Arriving time - 11:29
Price of the ticket - 6,00 lv
*The price shown is from/to Ruse